Tribute Wall
In Memory of
Mr. Winston Dunbar Holder
Stanley Chin posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Our family met Winston, Mr Holder, at St Michael the Archangel. It was a pivotal time in our family, a time of trial, of healing, of spiritual growth. Winston may not have realized he was a significant part of our Church life. One of his gifts/talents was his understanding of the operational/administration aspect of the church which he graciously imparted.
Without expressly saying so, and through action, his focus was on ensuring the “bricks and mortar” functioned well and was not a distraction and in support of the mission of the church.
Whether it was in the Corporation, Warden, Treasurer, search for an incumbent, Social committees, Men’s fellowship, choir, youth ministry, fund raising, social events, he was always supportive and involved.
His life of service and love of the church a most precious legacy.
May he rest in peace and light perpetual shine upon him
With much gratitude for his fellowship and support,
Julie, Stanley Chin and family.
Tanya Shepherd posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
To May, Colleen, and Andrea, we are sending our deepest condolences for your loss. You and family are in our thoughts and prayers. Karyn and Tanya Shepherd.
Myrna/Reginald waterman posted a condolence
Sunday, January 19, 2025
To May, Andrea, Colleen, grand children and family; we offer you this day our condolences at the passing of a great and loving father and friend, Winston. It is not every day someone who has made a significant contribution to church, to the wellbeing of his family and to so many individuals whose lives he touched in so many positive ways, leaves us without warning. As we mourn with you his untimely passing, may all of us find comfort in God’s word and be strengthened by our remembrance of Winston as he gave himself willing to make our lives more rewarding. We will miss him but will cherish and draw on the many memories, lessons and lengthy conversations we had. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.
Myrna and Reginald Waterman
Bernice Fletcher posted a condolence
Saturday, January 18, 2025
My condolences to the Holder family.
I first met Winston at St. Michael’s the Archangel Church in Scarborough many decades ago. Over the years we became good friends to the point where we checked-in on each other by phone on a regular basis. Our conversations covered topics that were of interest to both of us. Winston was a member of the Church Choir and also held positions as Treasurer and Rector’s Warden. He did a phenomenal job preparing the Church Financial Reports for the Annual Vestry Meetings.
During the last 2 years, Winston and I sat next to each other in church every Sunday. We would greet each other with a fist bump. After church, I would drive Winston to Tim Horton’s where he picked up his coffee, then over to meet his daughter Andrea.
You will be missed but not forgotten.
May His Soul Rest in Peace and Rise in Glory.
Love from Bernice & Horace Fletcher
Angela Inniss posted a condolence
Friday, January 17, 2025
Heartfelt condolences to all of you, Winston's beloved family.
May you be comforted by God's healing balm and by your treasured memories of him.
May his soul rest in peace.
Beryl Piggott lit a candle
Thursday, January 16, 2025
On behalf of the Officers & Members of The Modern High School of Barbados Old Scholars' Association (Toronto) Inc., (The Modernite Association (Toronto)), our thoughts and prayers go out to Winston's entire family circle and friends at this sad time. May his memory be a Blessing and may his soul rest in peace and rise in Glory.
Beryl Piggott
The Modernite Association (Toronto)
Ken Knight posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
I was honoured to serve with Winston on the Formation Committee of Barbados House in Montreal . Winston was the First President of the organization. I extend my profound condolences to his family and friends during this period of sadness. RIP
The family of Mr. Winston Dunbar Holder uploaded a photo
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
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Shelley Weekes posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
My precious memory is Uncle Winston and Dad taking me out to dinner for my 18th birthday. We went to a restaurant in St. Lawerence Gap Barbados. You and dad celebrated me making me feel so special on that day. I will always carry the special feelings you both brought to me on that day. It would have been a typical day if not for you both. I hope you and dad have many heavenly meals together. Much love Shelley
Ingrid Lambie posted a condolence
Friday, January 10, 2025
My condolences to the Holder family. I met Winston in 1997 when I became a resident at 4460 14th Avenue. This was an apartment built to host seniors, families and special needs with affordable rental rates. Winston was the administrator. Winston's dedication to his role was above and beyond. He was personally connected to all the residents and would take time to walk the halls of the building to ensure safety of the residents at the end of his work day. He was instrumental in assisting me to create a social group for the residents which included yearly barbecues, exercise classes Christmas and holiday parties for the children. In the early years tenants would contribute and share skills at events. Garage sales were organized to get funds for the events. This tradition now continues at the building with support and funding from management and the community. Rest in peace Mr Holder you were a trail blazer and community builder. You will be missed.
Ingrid Lambie