Obituary of Myrtle Veronica Paul
It is with sadness and much love that the family of Myrtle Veronica Paul announces her passing on Thursday, October 10. Myrtle left this world peacefully after a fight with cancer at the age of 83, in the company of family. Although Myrtle is no longer with us, her spirit, her voice and her smile remain.
Myrtle is survived by her brother Welbert, sisters Maureen and Donna, granddaughters Melayna, Jordanne and Sari, and nieces and nephews Pheinixx, Jennifer, Alexis, Lauren and Evan, along with spouses, a new generation of niblings, extended family and friends. Myrtle was preceded in death by her son Trevor Williams.
Myrtle was a nursing assistant who had spent her life caring for others; the appreciation and gratitude she expressed to her medical team and family during her battle with cancer created moments of joy that touched the hearts of everyone around her.
A short graveside ceremony will be held on Monday, October 28, 2024 at 1pm at Highland Memory Gardens. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated.