Tribute Wall
In Memory of
Mrs. Minnie Woon-King Tam
Louisa lit a candle
Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Hi Mom,
I wonder how you're doing? I feel your presence every now and again, and often hear your voice giving me advice when I'm struggling with something. I always look up to the sky to say hi to you when I'm out for my walks.
We just celebrated Chinese New Year - Dad has been doing a good job standing in for you to keep our traditions going; Christmas, birthday, lucky money gifts, etc. He misses you and thinks of you often. He shares photos and memories in our family chat.
Speaking of feeling your presence, the purple flowers I saved and dried from one of your wreaths decided to move and shift over while I was in front of them the other day. I figured it was you saying hi. It comforts me to know you are watching over us.
I will continue to look for your signs, Mom. I haven't smelled popcorn since that one time. I know that was you too.
Rest peacefully, Mom.
Until we meet again...
I love you.
Ah Lui
Louisa lit a candle
Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Louisa lit a candle
Monday, November 4, 2024

Happy birthday in Heaven, Mom
Louisa uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, October 17, 2024

Louisa uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, October 17, 2024




+ 11
Louisa lit a candle
Thursday, October 17, 2024

Thank you for your advice and for sharing your presence with me this morning, Mom. I hope you are happy and reunited with your family. I miss you.
Louisa lit a candle
Sunday, October 6, 2024

I learned something about my Mom from my Dad, that I never knew.
When my Mom was young, making $100 a week, she would send $20 of it to her parents.
Knowing this about my Mom gives me more understanding as to why she had the expectations and desires that she had from us four.
Thinking of you, Mom
Christina Tam lit a candle
Saturday, October 5, 2024

Thinking of you, Mom <3
Justin Behan lit a candle
Thursday, October 3, 2024

Rest in peace Grandma
I’ll always remember your laugh and your smile. Growing up going to your house since I was a kid was always fun and I have a lot of great memories there. Going to 4040 for family outings was always a good time and it won’t be the same without you. I’ll always remember our conversations on the car ride home when Shanice and I would take you and Grandad back to your place. I’ll make sure Grandad orders us that beef & rice dish you had beside your bed the last time I saw you.
I’m glad to know you’re no longer in pain. Sad that you had to leave but I know one day we will all see you again.. and I know you’ll be wearing the most stylish outfit when we see you!
Love you Grandma!
Shanice Valledor lit a candle
Tuesday, October 1, 2024

I will miss you Grandma. I will forever treasure the last conversation we had, thank you for the kind words. You are now at peace and I know you will be showing your guidance from above.
Christina Tam uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, October 1, 2024




+ 10
Doris posted a condolence
Monday, September 30, 2024
Hi. My name is Doris. I'm second daughter to Minnie & Raymond.
Thank you for coming today to honour my Mom.
I struggled to figure out how I'd share my version of my Mom. She was so many things to me. A couple of minutes hardly does justice to encapsulate her fully.
You could say that she was a typical "Asian Mother".
She wanted us to become a doctor, a lawyer or a pharmacist; like all good Chinese children are supposed to do. We took our piano lessons, went to Chinese school and drank fish soup (UGH).
I did not always listen to my Mom either.
What I did do and still do is honour her in everything I do; to be a good person. To treat people with respect To value family.
A few quick stories.
As a kid, we had this ugly plastic Christmas tree that was put up in our family room in front of the fireplace. One year, a few of the light strings really looked like they could cause a fire. I always wanted a real tree. So, my mom and I hopped into her Cadilac and went to the Christmas tree lot at the grocery store. We bought this huge tree! We strapped it to the top of her Cadi and she had me hang out the window and hold onto it in case it fell off. We put the tree in the main hall and it stood higher than our chandelier! You had to walk AROUND the tree. We all decorated and had so much fun.
And then I was about 15, Mom and Dad would go out sometimes at night. One night, my Mom woke me up and said "jeuk sam/get dressed". I will never forget the outfit my Mom was wearing. This sequined black top with a gold sequined butterfly on it. The short sleeves flared with black flowy bolero pants. She looked amazing. They took me to this club where you could karaoke and there was also dancing. I watched my parent have such a great time.
And when Brad and I were getting married.....my parents got our wedding invitation. You know the meal card where you decide if you want chicken, steak, vegetarian...I got a call from my Mom saying they wanted all the options. We went back and forth on this....
Thanks for giving me so many great memories Mom.
She taught me to be generous, giving and gracious. She had endless energy, was larger than life and a social butter. She taught me to share what I've been blessed with. Everything I am today, she helped me to be.
I wish my daughter, Jiamei, had the opportunity to know my Mom in her prime.
I am proud to have a Mom that did everything for her children, her family and people around her. Her selflessness and care unparalleled. I've been grateful for her guidance support and sacrifice.
Even during her decline, my favourite thing to do was make her smile and laugh. I would make her favourite foods, tickle her feet and say silly jokes. I'd even dance around and look like an idiot if I had to. She would tell me I was crazy.
I'd like to share a passage from the bible. Proverbs 31:31.
"Honour her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate"
I will end with the way my Mom would often say goodbye.
See you later alligator. So long your neck. So long your tail.
This is NOT goodbye. I look forward to seeing you then. In a while crocodile.
I love you and miss you.
Louisa Tam lit a candle
Monday, September 30, 2024

Hi Mom,
I wanted to share this song with you. I listened to this on repeat on my walk today....
Counting My Blessings
Song by Matt Maher and Seph Schlueter
It's like it was yesterday
I was a praying for a miracle
Scared to have a little hope
And now looking back today
Seeing all the things You've done
I can't even add them up
One, two, three up to infinity
I'd run out of numbers
Before I could thank You for everything
God, I'm still counting my blessings
For all that You've done in my life
The more that I look in the details
The more of Your goodness I find
Father on this side of heaven
I know that I'll run out of time
But I will keep counting my blessings
Knowing I can't count that high
And I know that seasons never last forever
So, God I will remember all of the reasons
My heart has to be grateful
All the times You've been faithful to me
God, I'm still counting my blessings
For all that You've done in my life
The more that I look in the details
The more of Your goodness I find
Father on this side of heaven
I know that I'll run out of time
But I will keep counting my blessings
Knowing I can't count that high
Oh, I can't count that high
High, oh, high
Oh, Your goodness, Your goodness
One, two, three up to infinity
I'd run out of numbers
Before I could thank You for everything
God, I'm still counting my blessings
For all that You've done in my life
The more that I look in the details (the details)
The more of Your goodness I find
Father on this side of heaven
I know that I'll run out of time
But I will keep counting my blessings
Knowing I can't count that high
I will keep counting my blessings
Knowing I can't count that high
I love you, and miss you, Mom
Ah Luy
Fred Tam uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, September 29, 2024




+ 4
A few more memories to share. Thank you for everyone’s presence, words of sympathy, and your friendship. ❤️
Fred Tam uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, September 29, 2024




When I thought about what I’d like to share today, I decided to keep it simple and share just one memory. It’s actually more like a lesson that Mom taught me. It’s a lesson that created a positive impact on me for the rest of my life.
Naturally, I went through all of the memories. There was one thing in common.
The thing about Mom was that she was a really funny person.
Mom knew how to make sure that people around her were always smiling. She knew how to make people laugh. She had her own unique way of expressing her love to those dearest to her, especially her four children.
From Mom, I learned the importance of laughter. She taught me that a smile can be contagious. It was important that I learned this. At times when she felt sad and I was next to her, I knew that I could do what she taught me. I smiled and, despite how sad or afraid she was of something, she would smile back. A smile can be powerful.
I remember the last thing she shared with me. She said that I’m so good to her. I proudly told her that the reason why I’m good to her is because she raised me this way. We smiled at each other.
Sometimes, as children of our parents, we say we do not want to become our parents. We aim to be better than the previous generation and learn from what we label as their “mistakes”. And as a parent, I understand why we strive for our children to do better than us. But the word “mistake” is just another word for “lesson”, and this is how we grow.
As I got older, I realized that I can’t change what’s within my core. I can’t change what I’m born with and what’s in my DNA. Today, I feel proud to have had a mother who was so caring, loving, and taught me the importance of a smile so that I can also share my happiness with the ones I love.
Mom, your legacy will live on through all of our smiles. I miss you. I love you.
Louisa uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, September 28, 2024




+ 5
Flowers for you, Mom
Louisa Tam posted a condolence
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Dear Mom,
I miss you a lot already. I didn’t expect to feel this way – I didn’t really know what I was expecting to feel, but I know that I miss you. I’ve been crying randomly through the days and evenings since you’ve been gone.
My hope is that you are at peace, and I find solace knowing that you are no longer in pain – both physically and emotionally.
I just explained to your grandchildren, my kids – that today will be the last time they see you. I’m crying as I say this. I love you, Mom. I’m grateful for the talks we shared over the last year or so – I hope those conversations brought you the same peace as they did for me.
We’ve shared our differences and often, we were like oil and water – but I realize it’s because I am you. You taught me what it looks like to have perseverance, to have tenacity, grit, to stand up for what is true for me even when it means standing alone, to not take crap form anyone, and to admire beauty. I also inherited my intuition from you, so thank you – it has served me well so far.
I have some regrets in how I could have handled many situations better – at the end of the day, all I wanted was your love, approval, and to make you proud. I hope I’ve done that so far; I’m not done yet.
Please give me your strength, Mom – I’m going to make you even more proud, and bring you more peace in knowing that I will be ok.
I will be honoring you today, when I see you for the last time. I hold you in my heart forever, Mom, and will keep your memory and spirit alive.
There is so much more I’d like to say and share, Mom, but know that I will be talking to you every day, in some way or another. I LOVE YOU, MOM.
Love your eldest daughter,
Louisa (Ah Luy)
Christina Tam uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, September 28, 2024




+ 5
Christina Tam uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Dear Mom,
Remember mornings with Curious George, you laying next to me?
I watched and I played, as you tried to catch a few more z’s.
Remember distracting me at the fish tank, as you cut my nails?
The goldfish swam around, moving their little tails.
Remember when you bought me my prom dress at that Chinese shop?
You did that and when I was late, you drove me to the bus stop.
Remember all those times you’d dress up in bling?
Your outfits were always on point —— “seem seem ling”.
Remember when we sat around and you’d laugh randomly?
I’ll always cherish that and how you could be so silly.
Remember you’d play Mah Jong till all hours of the night?
You won so often that it would sometimes cause a fight.
Remember our telephone calls, chatting and laughing?
I’ll miss those, Mom, as well as our gossiping.
Remember we hung out with Émilie together?
Those are fond memories I’ll have forever.
Thank you, Mom, for these memories and more —— your soul is now free.
Mostly I’ll remember you; you’ll always be with me.
I hope your afterlife is peaceful and calm.
And foremost, don’t forget that I love you, Mom.
Samantha Chow lit a candle
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Auntie Minnie - one of the Matriarch pillars of the St. Aiden Chinese School group. Had lots of memories of the mahjong gatherings where the kids all played together - ate lots of food, watched countless movies and Sailor Moon, played video games, and the turtle tub! She will be missed dearly and her loving and generous spirit fondly remembered. I will always remember how to get to Sesame Street!
Anny Chow lit a candle
Saturday, September 28, 2024

We are holding a heavy heart as we lit this candle in memory of our dear friend of 33 years. How we will miss Minnie's sharing of her wisdom, and all the joy and laughter whenever we congregate. I know you are heartbroken on the loss of such an amazing and important woman in your life. May time keeps on bringing you cherished memories.
With deepest sympathy,
Anny & George
Nicholas Chow lit a candle
Saturday, September 28, 2024

As I still have remembrance of the majong gathering party's. I was very young at those times from toddler to my teenage years. I was always excited to go with my mom and dad to the majong party's as there were other younger siblings to play with also. Upon the visits I have always seen auntie Minnie happy, full of laughter and kindness. We did have other personal encounters such as guidance for our real estate businesses. Auntie Minnie will be very much missed by me and as well many others affected by her kindness and strong efforts.
Samantha Chow posted a condolence
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Auntie Minnie - one of the Matriarch pillars of the St. Aiden Chinese School group. She will be missed dearly, fondly remembered.
Doris uploaded photo(s)
Friday, September 27, 2024




+ 3
All of these beautiful gifts in memory of our Mom. Thank you for all the kindness and support during this time. My Mom loved gardening and flowers. These would've made her heart so full.
Louisa Tam lit a candle
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Melissa Feldman posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
As Louisa's best childhood friend, I spent hours in the Tam home. Minnie or 'Mrs. Tam' as we kids called her was a warm, supportive, loving presence in my young years, always there with a smile, listening ear, or big plate of Chinese food to warm my tummy. I see someone else mentioned a chopsticks story, I have one as well! One of my fondest memories is going out to a Chinese restaurant with the family, and Louisa and her mom very patiently teaching me how to use chopsticks!
I want to express my sincere condolences to the family on the loss of Minnie; may her memory live on.
Love, Melissa
Louisa Tam posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
My Mom was the epitome of resilience, perseverance, and determination. When she set her mind on something, there was no stopping her. I like to believe I got that from her. My siblings and I grew up in French immersion. My Mom couldn’t help us with the homework because she didn’t understand it. She decided to take French classes, and I remember her French being quite good! Imagine an immigrant woman, coming to Canada and having to learn English as a second language; And then learning French on top of that! Those French classes, by the way, were at my high school. I didn’t feel very cool with my Mom in the hallways at the time, but I sure do appreciate how much she did for us.
When you lose someone, you remember their light and all of the things that made them special.
I love you and miss you, Mom
Doris uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Erica Cresswell posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Christina Tam became one of my closest friends when we first met in JK, French Immersion, at Brian Drive Elementary School, and I was adopted into my 'other' family - hers. I think Christina's mother had a twisted sense of humour when she chose the location of the family house. I remember when my parents first met little Christina and asked her where she lived. When she said that she lived on Sesame Street, they looked at one another and then said, "Yes, we all love Sesame Street, but where do you really live?" I remember the look of annoyance on Christina's little face because this wasn't the first time she must have endured such a reaction. As Christina's friend, I got to go on family excursions - shopping and dining adventures. I remember the time Christina's mother introduced me to chopsticks. When she realized that six-year-old me was hopelessly inept at handling them, she gave me a wink and slipped me a fork so that I wouldn't make a mess of myself and the whole table. Winnie always made me feel welcome in her home, and I treasure those happy times I spent with Christina and her family. Minnie, you will be missed.
Erica Cresswell
Dora Chan uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, September 22, 2024

你的離開令我感到無限哀傷, 今天, 我們告別, 但我們的回憶將永遠陪伴我們, Minnie, 願你在天堂安好! --From Dora
Louisa Tam uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, September 18, 2024




+ 11
The family of Mrs. Minnie Woon-King Tam uploaded a photo
Saturday, September 14, 2024

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