Thursday, May 11, 2023
I will remember Shirley as warm, welcoming, loving, and kind.
From the first moment I stepped into St. Victor Catholic School, I found a friend in Shirley. She made each day a little brighter. I couldn’t wait to see what earrings and shoes she would be wearing. I knew they would match her outfit.
After almost ten years I left St Victor’s, but Shirley and I remained friends for over 40 years. We would get together for outings with Liz and Barb - sometimes playing golf, most often sitting in restaurants for hours to catch-up on everyone’s news. Shirley was always interested in our lives. Towards the end of brunch, Liz, Barb and I would take out our cell phones to arrange our next date. Shirley had her busy calendar memorized - no need for cell phone, paper or pen!
I will miss you, dear friend.
Rest in the peace of Christ.
Maureen Kelly (Dennis Kelly)