Obituary of Ms. Yuet Ming Chui 陳趙月明太夫人
Ms Chui Yuet Ming, beloved mother, grandmother and great grandma, departed her loving family on July 5, 2022 (Toronto time) at the age of 92.
Yuet Ming was born in Sanjiang, Jiangmen, Guangdong Province, China on March 27, 1930 (Lunar calendar: February 28, 1930) to Mr Tioo Pui and Ms Lee Ki. She grew up in Surabaya Indonesia, and married Mr Chan Yuen Lee in Hong Kong in 1948. Yuet Ming and Yuen Lee (and several of their children) had settled in Toronto, Canada since 1992.
Yuet Ming will be remembered by her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren in Canada, Australia, Singapore, and the United States. She was predeceased by her husband Yuen Lee and daughter Wai Yu Irene.
Friends and family are invited to attend and celebrate her life with us.
For further information, please contact Garry Chan at or +1 (416) 625-2195.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Scarborough Health Network Foundation; please see the link to the left of this obituary. For assistance with donations, please see the following information:
Donations shall be made as “In memory tribute”
Donations shall be dedicated to Yuet Ming CHUI, to the following recipient email:
我們摯愛的媽媽, 嫲嫲, 婆婆及太婆, 趙月明 (Chui Yuet Ming)女士, 於多倫多時間2022年7月5日離開了她深愛的家庭。
月明女士在1930年3月27日(農曆2月28日)出生於中國廣東省江門市三江鎮, 父母親是趙培先生及李杞女士。她自小隨父母離開家鄉, 在印尼泗水市成長, 於1948年在香港與陳元利先生結婚。夫婦二人以及他們的幾位子女自1992年起在加拿大多倫多市定居。
月明將被她在加拿大、澳洲、新加坡和美國的孩子、內外孫子, 孫女及外曾孫, 外曾孫女們銘記於心, 永遠懷念。她的丈夫陳元利先生和女兒林陳慧瑜女士已比她先離世。
誠邀眾親朋戚友屆時參與以上儀式, 與她的家人一起悼念趙月明 (Chui Yuet Ming)女士。
若需更多信息, 請聯繫 Garry Chan (電郵:; 電話: +1 (416) 625-2195)。
如欲以紀念捐款代替鮮花, 請把款項捐予 Scarborough Health Network Foundation.
捐贈為“In memory tribute”
捐款致給 Yuet Ming CHUI,收件人郵箱