Mr. Mau Quang Tran 陳茂光先生

Obituary of Mr. Mau Quang Tran 陳茂光先生

Please share a memory of Mr. Mau Quang Tran to include in a keepsake book for family and friends.

In Loving Memory of Mau Quang Tran 


It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our beloved husband, father, and grandfather, Mau Quang Tran, who left us peacefully on December 7, 2024, at the age of 100. 


Mau Quang was a kind and gentle soul who touched the lives of all who knew him. His unwavering love for his family, his warm smile, and his wisdom will forever be cherished and honored. He had a special way of making everyone feel valued, and his stories and laughter will live on in our hearts. 


A devoted husband, father, and grandfather, Mau Quang was always there with open arms and a caring heart. He had a deep passion for writing Chinese calligraphy and poetry, and enjoyed conversations on history and literature. He also found joy in the simple pleasures of life, especially drinking the occasional cup of tea. He maintained an active and social lifestyle, enjoying chess, gardening, cooking, swimming, and basketball. His spirit of kindness and generosity will never be forgotten. 


He is survived by his wife, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and other family members, all of whom will carry on his legacy of love. A memorial service will be held on December 16, 2024 at Ogden Funeral Homes, where we will celebrate his life and the many memories he leaves behind. In lieu of flowers, donations will be made to the Scarborough Health Network - Birchmount Hospital and the Fu-Kien Society of Ontario Canada.


Rest in peace, Grandpa. You are forever in our hearts.





曾任教于東山城关,台灣台中國校。假日返梓探親, 遇風漂至南越, 時國共戦爭,未便回國,執教于華僑中小学校,担任 校長等職廿八年,有愛妻舜芬相伴,同甘共苦,努力創業,培育子女等家務。



由廈門集美大學教授福來弟,文卿弟妹寄來稱讚: "治學嚴謹一園丁, 孜孜不倦勤耕耘,贏得桃李沁芳芬,豁達開朗素本性, 惆惝不覊好施善,恰似當年宋公明"。 





Mau Quang Tran’s Autobiography


Mau Quang, also known as Jing Xi, was born in Dongshan County, Fujian Province of China on November 14, 1924.


In my early years, I was mentored by my grandfather who cultivated my education and learning of Chinese literature and calligraphy. I later studied at the Fujian Provincial Longxi Normal University. 


Following my studies, I travelled to Taiwan where I once taught at the Dongshan Chengguan National School in Taichung, Taiwan. During the lunar new year holidays one year, in my return to visit relatives in China, I was caught in a storm and drifted to South Vietnam. At that time, the country and the Communist Party were at war, so I was unable to return to China. Settling in Vietnam, I taught at an overseas Chinese primary and secondary school, and served as principal for 28 years. With my beloved wife Thuon-Hon by my side, we shared the joys and sorrows together, working hard to start a career in education, raise children and take care of household chores. 


I immigrated to Canada in May 1984 at the age of 60. I took care of my grandchildren and assisted with housework at home. I especially miss my ancestral relatives, and I regret not repaying their kindness. 


In Canada, I participated in the Fu-Kien Society of Ontario Canada, where I was very happy to talk about my hometown and connect with friends. I also served as the honorary president and in other positions at the association. 


My brother Fu Lai and sister-In-law Wen Qing, both professors of Jimei University in Xiamen, sent a letter of praise: "A great scholar and teacher like that of a gardener, who puts in tireless hard work, reaping the fruits of his labour; open-minded and cheerful in nature; resilient when faced with hardship and charitable, just like Song Gongming in the Song Dynasty." 


Mau Quang, written on the winter solstice of 2012.




A Eulogy in Memory of Mau Quang Tran, from his former students









A Eulogy in Memory of Mau Quang Tran, from his brother-in-law

惊悉姐夫仙世,如雷轰顶,悲痛万分。  姐夫虽然离我们而去,但他的音容笑貌、非几的一生将永远铭刻在我们的脑海中。他热爱祖国、热爱家乡、热爱教育事业,他的桃李芬芳满天下;他的一生,尽职尽责,他爱家人,忠于朋友亲戚,克己待人,好善乐施,慷慨解囊,助人为乐;他一表人才,风流倜傥,爱好广泛,诗词字画体育无一不贯通;他平易近人,谈笑风声,一切之一切诩诩如生,历历在目。  愿:姐夫一路走好!安息吧!  望家人节哀顺便!  

弟弟:江福来 弟媳:游文卿率全家子女。