Obituary of Mr. Jaikaran Sutram
It is with a heavy heart that we inform you, Jaikaran Sutram died on October 30th, 2024, surrounded
by loved ones at Lakeridge Health Bowmanville Hospital in Clarington, Ontario. He was 93 years old,
the beloved husband of the late Iris Sutram and son of the late Satram and Babni. Jaikaran was born
on March 15th, 1931, in Windsor Forest, Guyana, where he spent 51 hard working years providing for
his family before immigrating to Canada in 1982.
Jaikaran was a devoted eldest brother to his five siblings: the late Seeram (Sintee), the late Laala Ram
(Lall), Rattan (Phantom), the late Sattie, and Paro. Jai is survived by his five children: Ramchand,
Rupchand (Rupert), Pamela, Premchand (French), and Kamo, as well as his 12 grandchildren and 8
In our hearts, he will reside eternally. May his soul rest in peace.