Obituary of Ms. Wai Ying Chan 黃陳蕙英太夫人
我們的母親,黃陳蕙英女士,享年 83 歲,於 2023 年 5 月 4 日在多倫多平安地在睡夢中被主接去,留給我們是悲喜參半的心情。 她出生於 1940 年 2 月 4 日中國廣東省,正值戰爭和政治動盪時期, 在農村讀了幾年小學後便去了香港作家庭傭工, 後來在一家工廠當縫紉學徒,很快就因手藝好而被提升為領班。1964年結婚後便幫助父親在香港新界經營五金店。她除了是Lawrence 和Agnes的母親外,還是九個姐姐的繼母,且視如己出。她凡是先為別人著想,待人寬厚,即使在困難和艱苦的歲月當中,總是勤勞工作,有好的職業道德,從不抱怨,得到身邊每個人的尊重和愛戴。
1987年,我們全家移民到蒙特利爾,她開始了加拿大退休生活。她很勇敢地適應了對她來說是十分陌生的外國文化。1992 年爸爸去世後,她便在多倫多和香港兩地生活。她見證了五個孫子的出生,也親身抱著第一個曾孫。她雖然認為一生沒有多大的成就,但卻是自學成才,是一個出色的廚師和裁縫,一位慈愛的妻子、母親、祖母和曾祖母。 她如何以堅持、同情、善良和毅力的生活方式,成為一筆寶貴的遺產傳給了我們。
媽媽於1993年信靠耶穌並受洗,對主的愛十分純真。在過去幾年疫情期間,她每週參加兩次的網上聖經學習,以及在養老院與其他人一起參主日崇拜。 她在健康有問題期間仍然堅持自己的信念,知道在上帝眼中,她是個寶貴的女兒。她祈求能夠無痛苦地去天堂永恆的家,而神也真的應允了她的禱告!
Our beloved mom, Mrs. Wai Ying Chan, age 83, has passed away peacefully on May 4, 2023, at McNicoll Manor, leaving us with a mixture of joy and sadness. She was born on February 4, 1940, in Guangdong Province, China, during a time of war and political turmoil. Despite only attending elementary school for a few years, she worked hard and eventually became a lead apprentice at a sewing factory in Hong Kong. She married dad in 1964 and helped him open a hardware store in the New Territories, Hong Kong. She was a remarkable mother to Lawrence and Agnes, and an exceptional stepmother to her nine stepdaughters. She loved and cared for them as if they were her own and was admired and respected by everyone who knew her. She was blessed with many grandchildren and great-grandchildren whom she adored. She had a noble character and was always thinking of others before herself. Her generosity toward people was unmatched, and her work ethic was exceptional.
In 1987, our family immigrated to Montreal, where she began her “retired Canadian” life, adapting well to a foreign culture. After dad passed away in 1992, she lived between Toronto and Hong Kong to be with her children. She witnessed the birth of her last five grandchildren and held her great-grandchild Titus this past year.
Mom was a talented individual with many skills - cooking and sewing just to name a few, and a self-learner. Being a loving wife, mother, and grandmother who lived life with perseverance, compassion, kindness, and faithfulness, she leaves behind a rich legacy that will be passed down through generations.
In 1993, mom put her trust in Jesus and got baptized. Her love for the Lord was simple and pure. She continued to follow the Lord during the past few years of COVID by attending weekly online Bible study twice a week, as well as Sunday service with others at the senior home. She was resilient in times of difficulties and hardships, clinging to her faith to sustain her. Without a shadow of a doubt, she knew she was a precious daughter in the sight of God, her Maker.
Mom’s prayer was that she would be ushered into eternity without pain and suffering, and God answered her prayer. Although we miss her beyond words, we know that this is only a temporary goodbye. We have the sure hope and calm assurance in Jesus Christ that we will see her again one day in the presence of our God and Savior. Mom, we are blessed beyond measure to have had you in our lives, and your memory will forever be cherished in our hearts.