Tuesday, April 18, 2023
I like to send a message of condolence to the family of Cathy Mullin. I am a co-resident in the building where she lived for the last two decades. She was a social worker and always strived to improve the welfare of the people who lived around her. Cathy had that infective quality of humanity that induced others to embrace her susceptibilities. She was a tenant representative for the building called Cedarbre Manor. She helped to improve the living conditions in the building. She took care of the garden in front of the building and got the help of others to water the plants. She served as president of the social club. She organised several meetings for the members and the programs were a great source of enjoyment and pastime for the members.
was selfless in her dedication to duty and never felt tired or bored in her devotion inenlightening the lives of others. She was also a dedicated member of the Guldwood Parkway Community Church for which she gifted all her assets.
May the good Lord grant her a life of everlasting happiness and repose to her soul.