Tribute Wall
In Memory of
Mr. Andrzej G. Ornoch
Monika Fidrych posted a condolence
Thursday, April 6, 2023
Śmierć stawia nas w obliczu bezradności,
Która nas obezwładnia i zabiera w nieznane.
A kiedy pojawia się kradnąc ukochaną osobę
Przeszywa serce bólem i odznacza w nim swoje piętno,
które przypomina nam stale jacy jesteśmy wobec niej bezsilni...
Z ogromnym smutkiem i bólem przyjęłam wiadomość o śmierci Wujka.
Tym samym składam wyrazy współczucia i żalu dla całej Rodziny.
Monika Fidrych(Kucharska) z Rodziną
Samuel Mlodozeniec posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Andrzej was a great friend to my father Stanislaw. I had the pleasure of meeting Andrzej once as an adult. He and Elzbieta hosted me at their lovely home in Toronto. The family couldn’t have been better hosts. He told me about his work and adventures with my father, and his family and life in Toronto.
Although my stay was brief, I felt like I had known Andrzej for a long time, such was the hospitality I received. He exuded warmth, kindness, and good humor.
My deepest condolences to the Ornoch family. On behalf of my father and I, you will be greatly missed, and most fondly remembered.
Samuel Mlodozeniec
Glen Molto posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
I only knew Andrzej for the few years that we have sung together in the tenor section of the Novi Singers and that unfolding relationship was sadly disrupted because of Covid and the health restrictions imposed at the time. I will miss being able to lean on him for support. I was blown away when he told me about his work at the Art Gallery of Ontario and regret never being able to see some of this work. May his soul rest in peace and may he rise in glory!
Ivan i Jola Rizov uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
- Dziekuje za przyjazn -
Poznalismy sie z Andrzejem na studiach w Warszawie.
Mielismy po dwadziescia pare lat.
Szybko sie zaprzyjaznilismy.
Prawdziwe kolory ktore znajdowalem w jego osobowosci byly wrazliwe i wyszukane, szczere i dojrzale.
Po studiach wiatry emigracyjne powialy nas do Polnocney Ameryki.
Na nowey ziemi nasze rodziny staly sie jak jedna rodzina.
Wspaniale byly chwile wspolpracy tworczej z Andrzejem w Saint Martin- Wyspy Karaibskie i na Florydzie poludniowej.
Na projektach artystycznych nasze pedzle zlewaly sie w jeden - bez slow!
Tak lekko bylo sie porozumiec.
Wylapywal wszystkie szczegoly artystyczne, niuanse muzyczne, nawet w zartach i sprawach codziennego zycia.
Mial gleboka wiedze w wielu aspektach.
Tak przyjemnie bylo rozmawiac bez konca o roznych materiach.
Polaczenie Rodziny, Boga i Spraw zawodowych u niego bylo tak naturalne i doskonale.
Andrzej mial ta szlachetna milosc do ludzi od ktorej mozna tylko czerpac przyklad.
Swoja skromnoscia sam on bylby zaskoczony i tym ile u niego bylo zalet.
Kochany Andrzeju dla nas wszystkich zostaniesz w naszych myslach i sercach poki my zyjemy.
Kochana Elu, Asiu, Zuziu, Andrzeju prosze przyjac wyrazy wspolczucia i uklony przed Andrzeja dusza
Ivan, Jola, Piotr, Julcia i Robert
~ Thank you for your friendship ~
We met with Andrzej while studying in Warsaw. We were in our twenties.
We quickly became friends.
The real colors I found in his personality were sensitive and sophisticated, sincere and mature.
After graduation, the winds of exile took us to North America.
On the new land , our families became like one family.
Great were the moments of creative cooperation with Andrzej in Saint Martin - Caribbean Islands and South Florida.
On artistic projects, our brushes merge into one - without words!
It was so easy to communicate.
He lapped out all artistic details, musical nuances, even in jokes and matters of everyday life.
He had deep knowledge in many aspects. It was so pleasant to talk endlessly about various materials.
The connection of the Family, God and Professional Affairs with him was so natural and perfect.
Andrzej had this noble love for people from whom one can only draw an example.
He himself would be surprised by his modesty and how many advantages he possessed.
Dear Andrzej, for all of us you will remain in our thoughts and hearts while we live.
Dear Elu, Asia, Zuzia and Andrzej, please accept our condolences and bows before his soul.
Ivan, Jola, Piotr, Julcia. and Robert.
Jerzy Stachurski uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Proszę przyjąć wyrazy mojego najszczerszego żalu i współczucia z powodu śmierci Andrzeja. Z Andrzejem nie widzieliśmy się dość długo, ale w tym samym czasie, zaczynaliśmy nasz wspólny start na kanadyjskiej ziemi. Wobec ogromnej straty, która dosięgła Waszą rodzinę, niełatwo znaleźć słowa pociechy. Potem to tylko czas powoli, powoli, może złagodzić ból, który obecnie wszyscy przeżywacie.
Frank & Jo-Anne Jonke posted a condolence
Monday, April 3, 2023
Our deepest condolences in the loss of your father Andrew. To you, your mother and entire family there are no right words at this most difficult time however, through time you will be able to share wonderful memories together and continue to feel all his love and your love for him. He was a lovely man with a very kind smile and always a positive word. We can still visualize him at the soccer games and being so proud of you.
Keeping you In our thoughts and prayers, Frank & Jo-Anne Jonke
Grazyna Farmus posted a condolence
Monday, April 3, 2023
Q: What was one of your favorite qualities of Mr. Andrzej?
Andrzej was unique, timeless and classy, but never snobby. He exhume the standard of true Polish Gentlemen.
He was humble and warm in spite of his successful professional life. Such a pleasant guy to be around. Solid and gentle.
He navigated his life in perfect balance with dedication to God, family and community by putting all his heart in his daily services and passions.
Jorg van Nieuwenhuijzen lit a candle
Monday, April 3, 2023
Jorg van Nieuwenhuijzen posted a condolence
Monday, April 3, 2023
Dear Ornoch Family,
We were deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Andrew senior. He was a truly charismatic and admirable person, and we feel fortunate to have known him. The news of his loss has left us in shock and disbelief.
Please accept our heartfelt condolences during this difficult time. Andrew senior was a person of great integrity and kindness, and his presence in the world will be deeply missed. We know that he meant so much to so many people, and his memory will be cherished by all who knew him. We are grateful to have known Andrew senior and to have been a part of the Ornoch family's life. Your family has done so much for us over the years, and we cannot thank you enough for the warm welcome and guidance you gave us in Canada.
Please know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers. May you find comfort and solace in the warm memories of Andrew senior.
With deepest sympathy and condolences,
Jorg and Elif van Nieuwenhuijzen
Alex Stepanoski posted a condolence
Monday, April 3, 2023
When I think of Andrzej I remember how he always had a smile on his face and how easy it was to talk to him. He had a love for music, soccer, and enjoyed a cold glass of Zywiec pivo with some good conversation. I remember the last time I saw Andrzej and what I said to him. It was at my house gathering in the backyard where I dared him to jump in the pool. I said, "I dare you to jump in and if you do it then I will do it too. People will look back and remember that you did it". Sure enough, he jumped so I followed through as well and jumped in after him. It was a nice moment we shared and I will always remember this until I leave this earth one day. He will be missed.
Marzennka z Andrzejem lit a candle
Monday, April 3, 2023
...Śmierć zawsze jest nie na miejscu i zawsze nie w porę. Za szybko, za rano, za nagle. Dopada po pracy, przed kąpielą, po obiedzie. Przychodzi w środę, a przecież mogłaby w sobotę. Nie pyta, nie uprzedza, nie dyskutuje. Przychodzi i zostawia ból. Ból, który ukoić mogą tylko wspomnienia.
Andrzejku, Andrzejku ! Czy słyszysz jak Cię wołamy? Weź gitarę i pójdźmy razem brzegiem morza w Krynicy Morskiej śpiewając Zegarmistrza Światła, a może Che sara..... Zagrasz nam wierzę, jak już dotrzesz do Domu Ojca, a my zaśpiewamy ile sił, byś nas usłyszał.
Odszedłeś tak nagle i niespodziewanie i ani moje serce ani rozum nie są w stanie tego ogarnąć. Dwa proste słowa "nie ma" mają tak tragiczny wymiar.
Dziękuję Ci za wszystkie dobro, którego od Ciebie zaznałam. Za twoją życzliwość i pomoc, którą tyle razy mi okazywałeś. Jesteś i zawsze będziesz w naszych myślach, pamięci i sercu. A pamięć o Tobie Bracie Kochany jest niezniszczalna, bo nie da się zapomnieć człowieka o szczero złotym sercu.
Żegnamy Cię Andrzejku wierząc, że nadejdzie, dzień w którym spotkamy się z Tobą w Domu Ojca Niebieskiego..
Odpoczywaj w spokoju +++
Łączymy najgłębsze wyrazy współczucia dla Cioci Jadzi, Roberta, Elżbietki, Asi, Zuzi, Andrzejka jr. i wnucząt
Sandra Webster-Cook posted a condolence
Monday, April 3, 2023
I am truly saddened to receive news of Andrew's passing. I have many happy memories of working together on conservation projects at the Art Gallery of Ontario. He was a very fine and talented conservator and we were very grateful for his assistance.
Andrew was also a valued and trusted friend. We shared a love of art and of family. I always looked forward to updates on his family and he never failed to ask about my son. These moments were often shared with a lively sense of humour. I will miss him and cherish the memories. Rest in peace.
Ania Tyzler uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Dear Pani Elu, Andrzej and family,
On behalf of the Tyzler family, we are sending our deepest sympathies and want to wish you comfort during this very difficult time.
We are extremely saddened by the unexpected passing of Pan Andrzej. Just when our families were starting to merge together he was taken away from us! We are so grateful and blessed for the time we had together, especially the time we spent at the cottage last summer and Thanksgiving!
Pan Andrzej had a zest for life, he was always smiling, and loved being around people. It was evident that he had a deep love for those he cared for! He will never be forgotten and his memory will live on in our hearts forever!
With love, Elżbieta, Józef, Andrzej, Ania, Tomek, Adam, Natasza i Janusz ❤️❤️❤️
Novi Singers Toronto lit a candle
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Droga Pani Elu,
Wszyscy w Novi Singers Toronto jesteśmy do głębi poruszeni wiadomością o odejściu Andrzeja. I chociaż zdajemy sobie sprawę z tego że nie jesteśmy w żaden sposób ulżyć Pani w tak trudnym momencie, to proszę pamiętać że nasze myśli, modlitwy, słowa otuchy i współczucia biegną w Pani kierunku. Jesteśmy gotowi na każdą pomoc która mogłaby przynieść Pani choćby okruch ulgi. Śp. Andrzej pozostanie z nami na zawsze w naszym śpiewie i w naszych sercach.
Novi Singers Toronto
Kathy Ornoch posted a condolence
Sunday, April 2, 2023
My favourite memories of my uncle were all of them! He was always cracking jokes or being silly and making sure everyone was having a good time. One of my favourites from childhood was when he would do “Potwor” or an impression of a monster and chase us and we loved it because it was both scary and hilarious. Later him and I would be serious when discussing music which is a passion of ours. The last amazing memories were last year at a get together at my house where him and Alex jumped into a freezing cold pool to do something memorable, and later on the family dance circle to “Let’s Dance” by David Bowie. Such wonderful and priceless moments…
Tracy Doyle posted a condolence
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Dear Elizabeth and family.
Our deepest condolences to you and the family on the sudden loss of dear Andrew. You both have been lovely and kind neighbours. Andrew always had a smile on his face, a kind word and a warm greeting for Penny and me. He will be greatly missed.
All of your wonderful and treasured memories will keep him close in heart.
Much love,
Tracy and Penny Doyle
David de Witt posted a condolence
Saturday, April 1, 2023
I first got to know Andrzej by working with him on the conservation of several paintings in the collection of the Agnes, at Queen's University. His civility and enthusiasm were striking, and we always found much to discuss. I was happy that he kept in touch over the years, and am much saddened by this loss. My deepest condolences to all of his family members.
Michael Peever lit a candle
Friday, March 31, 2023
I never got to meet you personally, Mr Ornoch, but I know your son, your namesake Andrew, and so I know the kind of man you were through his character and love of all things good and right. If nothing else, you did an absolutely amazing job in your life raising your family. You will be missed terribly. Love to you and your family from me and my family.
The family of Mr. Andrzej G. Ornoch uploaded a photo
Friday, March 31, 2023
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