Friday, September 23, 2022
Auntie Precious may you Rest in Everlasting Peace. You were always Precious by name and by nature. Mum’s baby sister but it always felt that you were the older one as you made sure that everyone and everything was in order and no one took advantage of your sister’s.Mum always spoke of you with such love and endearment and now you have joined her and your brothers and sister. I will truly miss you auntie even though we never spoke often when we did it felt like we only spoke the day before. To my cousins, auntie might not be with you in person but a part of her lives on with each of you. My sincere condolences to you all and remember she is no longer suffering and has no more pain. God has another beautiful angel and all three sisters holding hands and playing in God’s kingdom and not on this earth where they all suffered in different ways. Rest in Peace mum, auntie Dorothy and auntie Precious…..we all love and miss you all….