Thursday, August 11, 2022
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My Aunt Mary was a wonderful person who derived so much joy out of life. She's always had a consistently sweet and positive personality in all the years I have known her. I was especially grateful to her because after the death of my father, her brother Edward, she made me a photo album filled with family photos, and over the years told me many stories so that I could stay connected with his life. She welcomed me into her home during the few times I visited Toronto. I'll also never forget her incredibly cheerful disposition as she grew older and her memory started to fail. Once I visited her at her elderly care apartment and she raved about the incredible view from the window, which was basically a city street with one tree in site. She told me about the delicious food she was eating and also that she was a big fan of a young man who came to play guitar for the seniors. We will all be lucky if we can be so fixated at on the positive in our older age, as she was. I will miss her sweet face and cute puffy white hair and her little voice over our last zoom call encouraging me to "come to Canada!" God bless you Aunt Mary.