Obituary of Mrs. Mary-Joe Ku 古余惠珍夫人
It is with great sadness that we announce the peaceful death of Mrs Mary-Joe Ku on 17 November 2021 in Toronto, Canada, at the age of 69.
She will be always remembered by Mr Thomas Ku, her husband of 44 years, and her two sons Christopher and Kevin. She is also survived by her mother Mary, her sisters Mary, Cecilia, and Lucy, and her brothers Peter and John, as well as several nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her father Joseph and younger brothers Michael and Paul.
Born in Calcutta, India in 1952, she moved to Canada in her early twenties in search of a new life for herself and her family back home. She was a determined woman of unwavering love and sacrifice, who valued family and faith above all else. She is and will be forever greatly missed.
The Funeral Mass will be livestreamed. Please click on the link below at the time of Service.