Monday, September 13, 2021
This tribute is on behalf of son Donald Hall and Family. We would like to thank you for being here today. Although we are not here in person to celebrate the life of my Father with all of you, our hearts are there with you.
My father lived a full life, a life of happiness and joy. Although I didn't meet him until later in life, his humor, wits and wisdom was enough for me to know that my dad was a good man. The memories I created of him are tinged with traces of humor and laughter. It was such a pleasure meeting King.
I remember how he told me funny stories of his past. I always thought that my dad had such such an extraordinary life. Looking back I realized that it was not the events in his life that were extraordinary, but the way he faced them, he faced life with intelligence, courage and wit.
When I talked to his friends and family at his birthday party in 2019, the thing I heard more than anything else was how much fun he was to be around. We all remember how lighthearted he was and how much he liked to enjoy himself.
Dad, I will always miss you, and your Sunday evening calls, but my family and I have wonderful memories of you. I will always think of you with a smile.
Rest in Peace DAD
Son Donald Hall “Mike” Sr. and Wife Lorraine Hal
Grandsons Donald and Kadane Hall and Wivies