Obituary of Miss. Elizabeth Fraser
We celebrate the life of Reverend Elizabeth Cynthia Ivadene Cato Fraser with great joy and pride. She was affectionately called "Cynthia" by family members and others. Elizabeth peacefully transitioned into eternal rest on Friday, January 22, 2021 at the blessed age of 75. Elizabeth Fraser was born November 4, 1945 to the parents of Phillip and Stacey Fraser in Port of Spain, Trinidad.
Elizabeth Cynthia relocated to Canada where she established a lucrative upholstery enterprise for several years while pursuing her passion for a profession in Nursing. The nursing career brought Cynthia to Toronto, allowing her to continue using her gift of medically serving others in the community until her retirement.
Elizabeth Ivadene Cato Fraser not only used her gift as a nurse serving others, her devotion, first and above all else, was her trust and faith in God Almighty, through our Lord Jesus Christ and guided by the Holy Spirit. Reverend Fraser's dedication to her church and pastoral leadership was sealed by her commitment.
Elizabeth Fraser was preceded in death by her son, Shem Garnet Fraser, sister Evena Williams Beard, brothers Eyon Cato, Tyndale Williams and Linford Fraser. Left to cherish her ancestral heritage are her son, Kwesi Brewster, granddaughters Leslie Fraser (Montreal, Canada), Jalaiya, Inara, Ailani Fraser (South Carolina, USA), brother, Lennard & Suzanne Fraser (Virginia, USA), sister in law Frances Fraser (Alabama, USA) and host of nieces, nephews and cousins in Canada, USA, St Vincent and Trinidad, West Indies.
The Fraser Family would like to thank the staff of Trilogy Long Term Care, Church Family of Spiritual Baptist Community, St Francis Church, Ogden Funeral Home, friends and neighbors for all of their comforting thoughts, prayers and deeds of kindness. A special thank you, Mrs. Hazel Alexander for your devotion to maintaining the loving relationship and kindness you rendered to our mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and cousin. Overseeing the love, support and commitment on Elizabeth's behalf is Bishop Hilton Hadaway and the church family, rendering a profound appreciation from the Fraser Family. May our Creator of all Heaven and Earth keep us sealed in Him through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.