Obituary of Mrs. Sophie Boyko
The family of Sophie Boyko would like to announce her passing on January 9th 2021 at the age 93. We are saddened to know our beloved Mama will no longer be with us, but are filled with blessed assurance that we will be reunited with her once again.
Sophie Bokyo nee Kasmirczuk was born in Pinsk, Poland (Belarus) on October 27, 1927 and came to Toronto, Canada in 1947. On November 20th 1948 she married Michael Boyko, whom she met in Germany. They were blessed with 4 children, Isabella (Paul), George (Marilyn), Susan, Michael (Lilly) and grandson Shawn. Michael and Sophie would celebrate many happy years together until his passing in 1998 just shy of their 50th wedding anniversary. Sophie took great pleasure in her children and enjoyed hosting many family celebrations and holidays. She also derived great comfort and joy from her faith and church family. She was an active member in the church, including choir, women’s study groups, and was an inspirational Bible and Sunday school teacher, but most importantly, she was a prayer warrior. She firmly believed that one could not live without prayer, which for her was so fundamental to the soul, as food was for the body.
She truly loved and worshipped Jesus and looked forward to spending eternity with Him. Today she is with Jesus, the Lover of her soul, and free from pain, burdens and griefs of her earthly bodily existence. She rejoices with her husband, daughter and many friends. Sophie lived a long and victorious life. Thank you for all your sacrifices, and for being our beloved Mama. Goodbye Mama for now, until we meet again. We love you.