Saturday, January 16, 2021
Born from the love of Boyie and Kim, Marie honoured them with her life. There was so much of Auntie Kim in her. Her cheerfulness, her sense of humour, her smile, her kindness, her compassion, her generousity, her loyalty, her sense of the importance of family and respect for her roots coming out of Princes Town and the Massiah and Mohammed families.
Those of us who have been blessed by her life, appreciate the goodness of her and the memories with which she has left us.
Our condolences to her family at the loss of her presence and the times that could have been. In your sadness and sorrow, may God Bless you with her presence in spirit in the company of Kimlin, Boyie, Lennox and our ancestors.
May her suffering and untimely death unite her with Our Lord and bear fruit in our redemption.
May she rest in the Peace of Christ.