Thursday, December 24, 2020
Our thoughts & prayers are with Ate Luding. Our deepest condolence to the family--
Offered a mass for one year for Kuya Bert-- from Maricil & Tor in Toronto.
Tony's siblings from the Philippines & Philadelphia send their condolences also,
Marichu & Topel from Montreal send their sympathies & they remember when we
all visited them in Montreal that Kuya Bert & Ate Luding gave them a box of Splenda.
Our sons & families are saddened by the death of Kuya Bert, who was their Dad's best friend.
Condolences from Apollo, Anne & T-Amo--who is very close to Ate Luding & Kuya Bert,
Sen & Vanessa & children & James, Renee & children. James was Bowee's classmate in
high school & plays basketball with him & their close friends when Bowee organizes it.