Wednesday, September 23, 2020
My condolences to the Balthazar family on the passing of a beloved uncle, father, neighbor and friend. The years that were shared with him are memorable and he will be missed. My hope is that I will see him again under better and much improved conditions. There will be no more sickness and death because these conditions will be taken away and be replaced by good health both physically and mentally, with everlasting life in view as expressed at Revelation 21:4 and Isaiah 65:21, 22. Looking forward to see him resurrected and brought back to life gives us hope that this life does not end it all. There is a joyful time to look forward to, which gives strength and hope to cope with our present sorrow and grief. To my dear aunt Teri and my cousins, my family understands your pain and grief and will keep you in our prayers.