Tuesday, May 19, 2020
My Dear Norma;
We have been the closest of friends since you first met, and eventually married, my brother Bob. From the beginning it always
felt as if we were true sisters, rather than sisters in law. But, our relationship was truly cemented when we were able to spend time together in the hospital after Frank and I celebrated the birth of our second child Sandi on May 13, and you and Bob welcomed your first child Bill into the world on May 12. Both treasuring our newborn children, we were so fortunate to be able to share the same hospital room for five days.
Over the years our families became closer, spending summer weekends at your cottage on Balsam Lake, and winter outings at Tanis and Leo’s north of Cobourg. Our families have always had such wonderful times together.
I truly loved our frequent telephone calls, which took place almost weekly. And no matter how many conversations we had, about so many different matters, there was never a shortage of things to talk about. You were always such a kind and calming friend to talk to, which is why I have always thought of you as the sister that I never had.
It will be difficult moving on without you, but I will always have so many wonderful memories that will remind me of you.
Love, Nina Jo Wolfe