Thursday, May 23, 2019
Dear Mr. Au;
Tina & I worked together for many years. I was already working at Markville when she came and recently after 8yrs I returned to Bullock branch.
Tina has always been a valuable team member. Both staff and clients will miss her dearly. Tina and clients shared a mutual loyalty.
Death is called an enemy. It is a very vicious and cruel enemy. It tears our dear friends and family away from us. Each person feels very unique to this loss. May your personal memories bring you warm feelings, while you cope.
One other thing that has helped myself and millions worldwide to cope is the bible’s hope for a future time. This restoring of the earth to a paradise will include the welcoming back of our friends & family. For now, they are safe in God’s memory, waiting for that time.
约翰福音 5:28,29
不要為這件事驚奇,因為時候要到,所有在紀念墓裏的人+都要聽見他的聲音, 就出來。行善的,復活終得生命+;
啟示錄 21: 4
詩篇 37:11,29 謙和的人必得着大地+,大享平安+,滿心喜樂。
My deepest condolences.
Rosie Grossi