Obituary of Mrs. Virginia Gibbs
Memoir of
Virginia Phillipa Gibbs
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved mother, Mrs. Virginia Phillipa Gibbs at the tender age of 99. She slipped away quietly in her sleep at Shepherd Lodge, Toronto, on Monday January 1st, 2018; one month away from her 100th birthday. She will be greatly missed by us all......Mrs. Virginia Phillipa Gibbs was born on February 2nd, 1918 in St. Clements Village, San Fernando, Trinidad West Indies, to the proud parents of Prince William and Lillian Saunders. She was the only surviving sister (with her youngest brother Sylvan Saunders) of a family of eight sisters and two brothers. She was married to Adolphus Gibbs and they established their family life in Port-of-Spain, San Juan. Tragically, she lost her husband following a fatal fire, and was trusted into the role of both mother and father to her 11 children, while also nurturing many of her nieces, nephews and neighborhood children along the way.
“Mummy” as she was affectionately called, received her education from St Clements Anglican School, and received her greater wealth of knowledge from her life of Christian experience and the Divine Institution. No doubt, her dedication to spiritual and divine intervention enlisted her as a stalwart to commonsense.
Mummy Gibbs migrated to Toronto, Canada in 1974 with her family and continued her plight to provide opportunities for her children. She made sacrifices to ensure that all her children were raised with Christian values, ambition and education. She lived with Godly influence, not only to her children, but to many other family and friends.
The legacy of Mummy Gibbs remains in her children Hillis, Lawrence (deceased), Trevor, Errol, Vada, Ed, Hazel, Brenda, Glenda, Wendy and Wendell, along with countless grands, great-grands, great-great-grands, many nieces and nephews, and cherished friends.
‘We celebrate the life of this Phenomenal Woman’